Timeshare Lies - Letter From A Reader
I am only starting to look into this, I hope I can get some direction. I purchased a timeshare at Los Abrigados, in Sedona, Arizona about 3 years ago, on an every other year deal. Had no problem with payments, or timeshare. One issue I brought up was that they state that income level must be $50,000. When I stated that at the time I was making approx. $35000, rep. said it didn't matter (using selling techniques much like a car dealer), also that I was not married and couldn't be suitable, per their rules-again it didn't matter. About a year later, I was offered an upgrade, to every year, at only a slightly increased price. My father was ill at the time (has since passed away) and I thought that it would be nice to use while he could. I expressed this to them that although I could make payments, how hard would it be to sell should his health deteriorate? Stupid me, I was assured that reselling it back to them would be no problem as money would be needed to help my ailing father. About 3 months later, I tried to deal with them, and as you can imagine, I got nowhere, and with other things going on this was put on backburner. Although I am aware that I made a commitment there must be some way to deal with them amicably. Due to financial burden with my father, have not paid them since Oct. 2004, as I could not afford it, I would be broke!! I do feel there was an element of misleading, and am willing to share some of the burden... - Dan