Timeshare Trap

Timeshares are one of the worst investments you can make. This journal is to inform people who are thinking about purchasing a timeshare not to do so and help those trying to get rid of their timeshare.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beware Timeshare Trial Programs

Timeshare trial programs are being used as a selling point to get uneducated vacationers interested in timeshare ownership. Many people have never heard of a timeshare trial program and might think it’s a good deal. It’s really just another attempt to lure you into buying a timeshare. Don’t fall for it.

Timeshare developers have found that 60% of the people who purchase a trial program can be more easily persuaded to buy a full timeshare. When they sell a perspective customer a trial program they include a mandatory presentation in the purchase. Then they make sure that the trial period is an easy, relaxing, all-around-wonderful experience. At the mandatory presentation they apply all their slick sales tactics and Bam! they get an easy sale.

If you are planning a vacation please be aware that you may be approached by a timeshare developer or salesperson. They might offer you a lot of great prizes, such as free accommodations or even money. No matter how great it sounds, say no thank you. It’s just another sales tactic to get you to purchase something you will have to pay on for the rest of your life. -- M. Beddingfield

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