Timeshare Trap

Timeshares are one of the worst investments you can make. This journal is to inform people who are thinking about purchasing a timeshare not to do so and help those trying to get rid of their timeshare.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

RCI and Trading Timeshare Weeks

Our Comments: It seems that a few people have found our post on RCI and the difficulty that exists in trading weeks which has resulted in a class action lawsuit against RCI. Trading timeshare weeks is much more difficult to do than any of the timeshare resorts will lead you to believe. If you want to travel to different destinations each year, a timeshare becomes even a worse (if it ever could be) choice for your vacation plans.


1. I attempted to make a trade with a search request for 2 years in advance of the vacation. After many discussions with RCI they told me the week I was attempting to trade did not have sufficient trading power. The week being used for the trade was a 2 Bedroom unit at a Gold Crown Resort. I also had banked 4 weeks from other resorts.

2. We owners need the Class Action Suit to progress. We also need for the Federal and State Governments to look at the RCI rip-off.


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