Timeshare Trap

Timeshares are one of the worst investments you can make. This journal is to inform people who are thinking about purchasing a timeshare not to do so and help those trying to get rid of their timeshare.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Another Time Share Scam

When making an investment, you need to always be sure you know exactly what that investment is. It's also important to never forget that time shares should no be considered investments:

Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan’s office issued cease and desist orders against four Missouri men, including a former Raymore insurance agent, two Mexican firms, a Panamanian business and a Nevada promoter for allegedly bilking more than three-dozen state residents.

The Missouri investors, ranging in age from 64 to 86, each pumped at least $5,000 into what sounded like a great deal promising a 9 percent to 11 percent return for 25 years.

Only after investing a combined $1.8 million did the investors learn they were buying into timeshares in Cancun, Mexico. The only way they could make money was to rent out their timeshare units...
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